MekSex Art

Dildo Parade

Anime girl masturbating with knobbed dildo.

No single expression exclusively represents ultimate pleasure. Where the previous illustration portrays pleasure flowing outward, here we catch a glimpse of a woman drawing her pleasure inward. It is as if the dildo were a hose connected to a spigot of ecstasy and she is desperately trying to imbibe all that she possibly can.

Pay particular attention to the knobby surface of the dildo's shaft. Men especially are fascinated by the idea of dildos capable of producing sensations far more intense than an ordinary penis. Is it insecurity, or an instinctive desire to give a woman more pleasure than she has ever known? Whatever the motivation, such a tool is to a penis like a club to a fist, capable of a similar task yet to a much greater degree.

What is the nature of this heightened pleasure? Although I admit that there are ways to maximize the basic pleasure of sexual stimulation, such methods are easily exhausted. Any further increase is arrived at by toying with the borderline with sensations which are typically categorized as undesirable, and of these I only know of two that work, pain and tickling. (An example of a sensation that does not seem to enhance sexual pleasure is nausea.) I happen to be a fan of tickling, but I admit that pain is far more prevalent for this purpose. In either case, the trick is to achieve just the right level of agony, that strange level at which the recipient cries out in desperation about how unbearable it is, yet has no desire for their suffering to end.

Sandy Beach

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